Know Some History? Please Share!
History Check offers a unique opportunity to preserve and share the history of the northern half of the province – and the entire province at a later date.
Each community and region has its unique heritage and history, and we are asking for your help in documenting it. Some sites will be of interest to the public and others will be pieces of information to record in our database for researchers to access.
Each site listing or Point of Interest allows for a variety of information. Photos, links to reference materials and historical information about the site can all be included.
Whether you have all or one piece of information, our search functions allow us to tie bits and pieces together to complete the story or a person, place, event or era of Alberta’s past.
Current or historical photos can be used. Many Archives have given us permission to use photos with the proper credits so please include their name and accession numbers.

Front Screen
For app users, this is the starting screen that offers choices for more information.

Photo Gallery
Allowing for 3 images this screen can show the past or present view of the site.

Info or Story
A complete story or request for more information can be added.

Reference Links
Online reference links provide more information for users and historians alike.
The above example shows how History Check is able to share historic information with the public. We have shown you the foundation that can be utilized in a variety of different ways to share historical sites and other attractions. Each is placed by GPS Coordinates. Our search feature allows for cross referencing of place names, people, events and eras. Results are displayed in a list or a map format, allowing people to see our history where it took place.
The example below shows how revolutionary History Check is for people searching for historical sites and stories – or even other attractions and services.
Download the History Check Heritage & Tourism App Click Here.

Search Function

List Display

Map Display
Please use the form below to share your information.
(HPOI = Historical Point of Interest – ODEF is our database name)