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One Volunteer Invests 10,000 Hours into Heritage & Tourism Mobile App

One Volunteer Invests 10,000 Hours into Heritage & Tourism Mobile App There is a movement afoot in northern Alberta - a mobile app that places sites of interest on a map and are found through "Community Menus", "Near Me" functions and by Keyword Search".  These Points of Interest or Site Listings cover everything [...]

History Check Mobile App Goes Live in Less than 1000 Days!

With little fanfare, no media coverage & tremendous support, what promises to be northern Alberta's biggest Heritage & Tourism project soft launched at the Prince of Wales Armouries & Heritage Centre on September 24th, 2017. "History is not always accessible to all Albertans" and "History Check ... is going to make it easier for everyday [...]

FRHS Walks – FORHS Walking Tour App for Rutherford House and Surrounding Edmonton Community

FRHS Walks - FORHS Walking Tour App to explore fun, informative and interactive historical walking tours connecting Rutherford House to the surrounding community. FORHS has the first Walking Tour up in the FRHS Walks App - and watch for future additions coming soon! Get Started! -- take a leisurely 30-minute walk through campus and [...]

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