Alberta Focused Website Banner Ads Businesses Services Advertising
Welcome to our On-Website Advertising Ordering page.
We appreciate every advertising dollar spent, and the money goes DIRECTLY to;
- Costs of building & maintaining the website & hosting.
- Costs of developing and promoting the History Check App project – including App development & operations, and the website & hosting.
- Costs associated to maintaining our Alberta registered, non-profit society status; including annual registration & accounting fees, general office supplies, travel, and hopefully some day when we have some money; staffing to keep up on the 1001 tasks our precious and overworked volunteers now look after.
FHNAS has a very unique mandate in our activities.
- Our mission; “to preserve and promote the History of Northern Alberta.”
- To build collaborative relationships that acknowledge, respect, and to mutually benefit; Promoting northern Alberta’s existing community services, organizations, businesses, and ventures – The more you put into FHNAS and our History Check project, the more that more than 375+ northern Alberta communities benefit from your generosity and support of our activities, preserving & promoting the history of northern Alberta communities.
We believe in good communication, along with maintaining high standards in transparency and accountability to our FHNAS Membership, supporters and financial contributors of our History Check App project, our website and In-App Advertisers, along with our dearly valued end-users that download our History Check App and utilize our app to it’s fullest potential.
In being transparent, we want our advertisers to have knowledge of what they are getting in value. As of this last update on this page, June 23, 2017 – website is averaging well over 500 unique visitors daily, and that number is exponentially growing with each passing month. Why growing so quickly? Because it has only been in recent months that we’ve even started to being to develop our website content and promoting our domain through search engines and social network sites. Here is a copy of our website statistics, directly from our back-end administration panel of

We have given our website advertisers the most flexibility possible in how they spend their advertising dollars. Given our domain is just building up our regular site visitor’s traffic, our prices are very affordable right now. Which also means this benefits the advertisers as well, because they are posting their ads on a website that has a fast growing number of visitors, each month in 2017 typically exceeding the previous month. We’re quite happy with these results so far, as we have not spent a lot of time in generating new traffic to our website, and most of it is by someone referring someone else in some format at this point in time.
You can review our various ad packages below – if you like something on our list, you are encouraged to buy an Ad Space in the format you choose.
- Buying An Ad as CPC – Cost per Click – This means someone has to click on your Ad for your advertising dollars balance in your advertising account to decrease.
- Buying An Ad as CPM – Cost per Mille (Views) – This option is a great way to send out a seasonal or special event advertisement – An example would be, buy 5000 Ad Views.
- Buying An Ad as CPD – Cost per Days – Through this option you can advertise by the month, and your ad is displayed regardless of the number of impressions or click-thru it receives and can maximize your exposure to our site visitors.
** Please keep in mind that all Ad Space Banners submitted are subject to review & approval by our Website Administration Team. Please keep all banner content “G” rated – no adult or ‘R’ rated content allowed.
Additionally, when using our Advertising Order Form below, you will be able to see the statistics of your Ad, and how it performs on our site.
Last, but not least – IF you are UNSURE of how to advertise with us, or you do not have banners ready to upload and use for your Ad Space. You also have the opportunity to access “CUSTOM ADVERTISING PACKAGE”. Simply send a PayPal payment of $100.00 to us directly. Be sure to put “1 Month Website Advertising” – along with; your business / organization desiring to advertise, and your contact email address in the payment comments when you send your Paypal payment. Our Website Administration Team will be in contact to review your organization’s or business’ information and we will build a banner that you will ‘proof’ before it put up online. Each subsequent month that you keep your “Custom Advertising Package’ going will only cost you $50/month.
Yes, our Custom Advertising Package costs a little more than if you were to “choose your own” Ad Space package in our form at the bottom of this page. Why? Because our custom package involves our Website Administration Team taking the time to review your services, and we can best promote it on our website. Our Team will create your banner ad, place it where we suspect it will get the best results, and maintain that for a term of 1 month. If you would like to renew for another month after that – you can use the same form below, just choose the $50 1 Month Renewal option; and your Ad will continue into the next month.
Again, thank you! We can not stress how much your support as a website advertiser means to our projects and activities in preserving and promoting the heritage of northern Alberta communities.
Direct Paypal Payment – Custom Advertising Package |
If you have a Ad Banner that is the right size for the package you choose below – You are encourage to place your Advertisement Order below…
Ordering form
Thank you for your support of FHNAS projects…