Municipal Tourism Opportunity Opened Alberta Wide!

The History Check heritage & tourism mobile app will expand Alberta wide in June 2019.  This opens regional economic development opportunity for every Alberta municipality.  History Check offers a cost effective, ready made app to share municipal sites and services.  Cross marketing partnerships will attract app users from a global market.

Individual site listings are placed by GPS location and added to a community menu.  This allows community guests to find attractions, history and services on one hand-held map.  Municipalities can share major attractions like campgrounds, parks, and golf courses.  Smaller service sites such as boat launches, water stations and waste disposal for campers can also be included.

Created as a municipality presentation, the 11.5 minute video demonstrates the History Check app.  Its offers a diverse and flexible product where Municipalities, direct marketing organizations and groups can contribute app content.  Cross marketing partnerships across numerous sectors attract app users from a world-wide audience.

The province wide launch of History Check is planned for June 2019.  Through alliances and partnerships this mobile app creates a tourism opportunity for Alberta.  Expanding to all provincial borders and including attractions, heritage sites and stories, as well as travel related services, makes the History Check app a unique initiative.  We look forward to creating economic opportunity in every community – big and small!

Sheila Willis – Project Manager

Email: [email protected]

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